The Prayer Journey is a day of vision and prayer that MoveIn has organized. I’ll be running 10 kilometres through North York through different parts of the city (“patches”) which have no MoveIn teams yet. These patches are areas with many unreached, urban poor people and MoveIn seeks to have teams of regular Christians prayerfully moving in to these areas to share Christ’s love.
(#tb MoveIn - Jane & Finch patch)
Another aspect of the Prayer Journey is to raise money for the Global Vision Fund, which resources MoveIn’s work forming new teams around the world. Whether paying the conference fees for a college student (MoveIn’s annual conference is awesome!) or sending a staff member to a missions conference in Germany, this fund helps to expand the vision and reach of MoveIn globally.
I’m writing to ask if you’d consider sponsoring me in this 10km Prayer Journey - giving online is simple and would be a big encouragement to me! To donate, please click the picture below and you can pick my name 'Julius' from the drop-down list. My goal is $500.
Thanks for considering this - I really appreciate it!